
Hey there, I’m Tracey, the quirky voice behind Besemer Writes.

Look, sometimes you need more than a writer.

It takes more than just good prose to get your message across.

Sometimes what you really need is a voice.

You need a human on the other end with more personality than a Ford Focus Owner’s Manual.

I get it, it’s tough making the trip from brain to blog, getting what’s in your head out and turned into actual content.

Lucky for you my brain has E-ZPass.

I have a natural ability to take even the most basic messages and make them interesting and infinitely readable.

I’m like that mom that hides vegetables in otherwise nutritionally bankrupt foods.

“This is great macaroni and cheese, mom!”

“That’s not macaroni and cheese, Billy, that’s cauliflower and tofu.”

“But, but, it’s so…good!”
